目前分類:December Daily 2012 (7)

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My December Daily day 12 - a typical school day.
Christopher got a good note from the teacher.
The photo on the right - waiting for picking up the kids.

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Got lots of stuff on my desk WOYWW for Christmas projects.

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This is a very busy weekend. Here is my December Daily day 6 and 7.

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It's my retail therapy day on December Daily day 5.
For day 4, please scroll down. You can always click on
the picture for larger image. ^_^
Need this therapy about twice a week in store and/or online,

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This is my December Daily day 2. Please scroll down for day 3. ^_^
We enjoyed our second day of December so much. Kids loved
the lunch at our favorite Chinese buffet and always can't wait to 
open the fortune cookie to see what the message is inside.

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Start to record my Decemer Daily and put the photos and journaling
on my day book. Love this bright and delightful colors.
On the first day of December I received a happy mail

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